East Canyon Milky Way

I’m trying a different technic for my astrophotography. This is a first attempt at the technic and not everything went as planned. I only ended up with one set of useable photos. If I’d stayed out longer I could have taken more shots, but I decided it would be better to quit and fine tune the system in the light of day. Having things go wrong in the dark is not easy to dealt with.

I was able to test the new post process workflow with the photos I did get. Enjoy. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Isolated Beach

While in Hawaii in February I really wanted a Milky Way photo. In the process I did some scouting for shots and found this isolated park and beach. There was almost nobody there, two other people, when we arrived and getting there was interesting. Which might explain why there was nobody there. Anyway it was probably a good spot for a dark sky astro-photo. However, the weather and the area didn’t make it feasible to get a shot here. Here’s a panorama taken while I was there anyway. Taken at blue hour while the weather was a bit unsettled. By the way I like angry skies and this this a good example of what that means to me. This is obviously not very good for taking pictures of stars.


Got to spend some time in Hawaii recently and it ended up being an extended stay because of weather. I know more time in Hawaii – life is rough. I captured a few sunset panoramas while I was there. We were at Ko olina on Oahu. We had a bit of rain so I had a few shots foiled by rain. My cameras supposed to be weather tight but I’m not willing to test that so the shots were missed. Enjoy what I did get.

Moonrise on the Atlantic

Spent a few days in Hilton Head South Carolina the middle of October. The second day there I planned to go out to the beach with by camera and watch the moonrise. It turned out to be even better than I could have imagined. I’m not sure what was in the sky to make it orange but I think it’s pretty spectacular.

Starry Night in July

I was in Island Park in July and the weather and stars cooperated so that I coulk capture this picture of the Milky Way over the cabin. I took a lot of pictures and decided on this one. The lights from the cabin lighting the foreground make things interesting. I took this about 11:00 pm while there was still a little light in the sky. Just before Astronomical twilight. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunset on Henry’s Fork

I was at one of my favorite places on earth. Henry’s Fork in Island Park, Idaho. This trestle has always presented a wonderful subject. This shot was taken as the sun disappeared below the horizon. I was on my way to shot another picture and saw these flowers begging to be photographed. I couldn’t resist. The mosquitoes were bad but this was worth it..

Costa Rica

Monkey Business in Costa Rica.

We had an opportunity recently to visit Costa Rica which I would highly recommend. We did several tours mostly guided tours including this one. We went down a small inland channel toward the Pacific Ocean and came across several groups of white face monkeys. They were amazing to watch and liked to put on a show. First time I’ve ever seen monkeys in the wild.